Keep Dogs Safe This Grilling Season with These 6 Safety Tips

Keep Dogs Safe This Grilling Season with These 6 Safety Tips

Dogs love spending time outdoors with their families grilling and picnicking. However, there are a few safety hazards to be aware of when bringing your furry friend along to a cookout and it's important to think about BBQ safety for dog owners. BARKLOOM prepared some safety grill tips to make this grilling season fun for humans and pups!

Can Dogs Be Around BBQ?

The short answer is no and that's the first rule of a dog-friendly BBQ. Dogs should not be around BBQ pits while they are lit. The fumes from the grill can be toxic to dogs and can cause difficulty breathing, congestion, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Once the grill has cooled down, it is safe for your dog to be around it. Additionally, the heat from the grill can burn your pup’s skin, so it is important to keep them at a safe distance. Not to mention, all that delicious food can be tempting for your dog to sneak a bite or two, which can lead to an upset stomach.

How Do I Protect My Dog From The Grill?

The best way to protect your dog from the grill is to keep them away from it. If you are using a gas grill, make sure it is turned off and the area is well ventilated before letting your dog near it. If you are using a charcoal grill, wait until the coals have cooled completely before letting your dog near it. You should also keep an eye on your dog while they are around the grill, as they may try to sneak a bite of food or get too close to the heat.

Grilling Safety Tips For Your Dog


When getting ready to cook some food outdoors, keep in mind grilling safety for dogs to make sure your pup has as much fun as you!

  1. Keep them on a leash or in a gated-off area: This will help you keep a close eye on your dog and prevent them from getting too close to the grill.
  1. Keep an eye on them: Even if your dog is on a leash, it is important to keep an eye on them at all times. This will help you prevent them from getting too close to the grill or sneaking a bite of food.
  1. Keep the grill area clear: Make sure the area around the grill is clear of any obstacles that your dog could trip over. Additionally, keep all food and utensils out of reach so that your dog cannot get to them.
  1. Keep them away from the heat: The heat from the grill can be harmful to your dog, so it is important to keep them at a safe distance.
  1. Keep an eye on the food: Dogs can be tempted to steal food off the grill, so it is important to keep an eye on the food at all times. Make sure to put all food away after it is cooked so that your dog cannot get to it.
  1. Have a safe place for them to go: If you are grilling in an area that is not fenced in, make sure you have a safe place for your dog to go. This could be a designated area with a blanket or a crate.

First Aid For Dog Burns

If your dog does get too close to the grill and gets burned, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. For minor burns, you can run cool water over the affected area for 5-10 minutes. You can also apply a cool, wet compress to the area. Do not use ice, as this can further damage the tissue. If you can't determine how bad the burn is or if your dog is in pain, it is important to call your vet immediately.

Is Smoke From The BBQ Bad For Dogs?

Yes, smoke from BBQ pits can be bad for dogs. A pet-safe barbecue should be arranged so that pups have a space further away from the cooking area. The fumes and smoke from the grill can be toxic to dogs and can cause health issues. Your dog may experience difficulty breathing, coughing, congestion, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. If your dog is exposed to smoke from a BBQ pit, it is important to move them to an area with fresh air and seek medical attention if they are having difficulty breathing.

Can Dogs Eat Food Off The Grill?


It's not recommended for dogs to eat food off the grill, and it's definitely a part of BBQ safety tips to think through. The food on the grill, while it's cooking, can contain bacteria that can make your dog sick. Additionally, the spices and seasonings used on grilled food can be harmful to your dog. If you are grilling food for your dog, make sure to use plain, unseasoned meat and vegetables.

To sum it up, the best way to enjoy grilling with your pup is to keep the pup at a distance from the grill! Similar to small children, dogs don't yet understand the dangers of hot objects and fire, so it's best to take extra precautions to make sure your furry friend is safe and sound. We hope these BBQ grill safety tips will help you prepare for your grilling party.

Enjoy the grilling season and keep these tips handy to be ready for a good grill-off!

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